NORTHSIDE DROP OFF/PICK UP - Please drop off and pick up students along Cherry Street. Do not drop off or pick up on Genesee Street. There will be 8 buses along Genesee so please stay off Genesee or you may be stuck waiting for the buses.
New families to Southside Elementary or our new 3rd grade class, I would like to welcome you and invite you on a virtual tour of Southside my clicking on the link below. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow and Friday. #FirstDayofSchoolEve
MHS In-person learning
Unless alternative arrangements have been made in advance, students with last names A-L will begin attending class in-person Thursday 8/20. Student with last name beginning M-Z will attend class on Friday 8/21. Doors will not be opened until 7:50am. Students will be temperature/COVID symptom checked by staff members at the door prior to entering.
Freshman enter the main doors off of Genesee Ave. Sophomores enter the Swimming pool ramp door. Junior enter the South/Parking lot door, and Seniors enter the Team room door. Late students will need to enter through the main doors off of Genesee Ave.
Students should be masked when entering the building. Phrases or pictures depicted on mask must be school appropriate in accordance to the dress code regulations in the 2020-21 Student Handbook. Students that initially test warmer than 100.4 will be retested after a short waiting period. If the student is still tests over 100.4 after repeated tests, they will be sent home and expected to check via the remote learning option.
Early bird students should be in contact with their teacher to find instruction of what door to enter. Early bird sessions begin at 7:30am.
MHS Full remote learners
MHS students that will be in-person learning will be receiving their Chromebook during their 1st period class on Thursday & Friday. Teachers will be discussing expectations for the in-person and remote learning experience at this time. Full remote learners should be in contact with their teacher s to ensure that they are able to receive the syllabus, gain access to Goggle classroom, receive instructions on texts, etc… All full remote learners are welcome to receive in-person help or pick up supplies/equipment/texts during the afterschool time frame. Please make an appointment with your teacher if you will be taking advantage of this opportunity during the 1st quarter. All PPE guidelines will be need to be followed during the afterschool appointment sessions.
WACC students.
Bus will leave at 7:25am beginning 8/20/20. Temperature checks will begin prior to entering the bus at 7:15am. Masks must be worn at all times during the bus ride. Students will pick up their Chromebook upon return at approximately 10:25am. Students will be temperature checked upon their return to MHS campus. Students that are driving separately will be expected to arrive shortly after the bus has arrived and participate in the temperature check in procedure. In-person learners will report to their class in progress after receiving their Chromebook. Remote learners will be expected to return home. During the 1:05 dismissal schedule, the return from WACC will occur during the 4th period class. WACC students should make arrangements with their teacher and expect to complete assignments given in class as well as the remote learning assignments.
WACC/MIT Students. Check your email for contract & driving waiver forms. These documents need to be turned into the MHS office before beginning on Thursday.
With school beginning this week the High School PE classes and Cross Country team will be utilizing the track more therefore we are closing the track for public usage between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:30 pm, beginning tomorrow (8.18.20). Thank you for continued patience and understanding.
With students returning to campus this week, the MHS track will be closed to the public during school hours (7:30am-4:00pm).
TODAY IS THE DAY! Remote Only students in grades 6 through 12 can come get their Chromebook from 7AM to 7PM TODAY ONLY. MHS students may pick up their in the Technology Office. MJHS students will get their device in the main foyer.
6th grade orientation videos have been sent to student and parent emails. Please check them when you get a chance.
Power has been restored to the junior high. A virtual orientation will be sent to our sixth grade families tonight.
We are still missing almost 300 signed Chromebook Policy Agreements throughout the district. Students will not be issued a chromebook without a completed agreement on file. To complete it online, please go to the following link:
This only applies to students who are enrolling in the district for the 2020-2021 school year for either in person or remote instruction.
Email with any questions.
Please take a look at the link below, which contains the MCUD6 Hybrid Learning Calendar for the 1st Quarter. You will see which days students will attend if they are in Group A or B, and how the weekly schedule is effected by a shortened week.
REMINDER: Students in grades 6 to 12 who are doing REMOTE ONLY instruction to start the school year may pick up their Chromebook on Monday, August 17th anytime from 7:00AM to 7:00PM. High School students will get their device at the Technology Office. Junior High Students will get their device in the foyer, just outside the Cafeteria. Email with any questions.
Northside students will attend on "A" days and "B" days based on their last name.
Last Names A-L will attend "A" days which are Monday and Thursday
Last Names M-Z will attend "B" days which are Tuesday and Friday.
Students with IEPs may attend Mon, Tues, Thurs and Friday
Remote Learners will have daily lessons and assignments.
ALL students will have remote assignments all weekdays that they are not in person.
Please read the attached pages about the upcoming MJHS school year.
High school parents and students - if you have any interest in dual credit classes at MHS, please get signed up ASAP. SVCC classes begin Monday!
Families that are planning on utilizing bus transportation this year and has not been contacted by RC Smith are asked to please call RC Smith at 815 772-7226 or text them at 563-212-7376. Thank you.
ATTENTION NORTHSIDE PARENTS: Due to power/internet/phone/copier issues, Northside will NOT be holding our Welcome Back Night on Sunday, August 16. Individual classroom teachers will be contacting you in order to inform you of their plan for dropping off and picking up materials. Thank you for your understanding.
Southside Parents: If your child’s last name falls within A-L your child will be in our A day group. If their last name falls M-Z your child will be in our B day group. I have made contact with any parent that is an exception to this guideline.
Also Southside will NOT host an open house/back to school night. Please have your child begin bringing their supplies on their first in person day. For A day students this is August 20. For B day students this is August 21.
For our new families, I will be creating a virtual tour/video outlining our building.