After months of discussion and preparation the MCUD #6 Reopening committee is releasing it's 2020-2021 Reopening plan. We understand that no plan is perfect, but we feel that our plan is the safest and best for our students and staff. Listed below is our Reopening Plan Summary, Complete Reopening Plan, and our Parent/Guardian Attendance Commitment form. Parents/Guardians please complete your Commitment form by August 5th.
over 4 years ago, Scott Vance
The food pantry has once again brought us 10 cases of dairy products to be distributed to families. Each case has 2 gallons of milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, and 2 individual bottles of white milk and 2 individual bottles of chocolate milk. We also have Spaghetti O's if anyone would like those. If you could use these items, please email Mr. Robbins at to pick up.
over 4 years ago, Joe Robbins
The Rock River Valley Conference (of which MJHS is a member) has made the decision to postpone the 5th/6th grade 2020 volleyball season until further notice. This is not a cancellation. The conference will continue to monitor the Covid-19 situation and if it is deemed safe to return to play, the conference may implement an abbreviated season.
over 4 years ago, Joe Robbins
The food pantry has brought us 10 cases of dairy products to be distributed to families. Each case has 2 gallons of milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, and 2 individual bottles of white milk and 2 individual bottles of chocolate milk. If you could use these items, please email Mr. Robbins at to pick up.
over 4 years ago, Joe Robbins
Online registration for returning students is still open! Any students new to the district must be registered in person from 7:30AM to 3:00PM, Monday though Friday, at the District Office located in Morrison Junior High School. Please call 815-772-2064 if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Duane Shaffer
Parents a link to a short survey from the Re-opening Committee was sent to your email. Please take a moment to complete the survey in order to help us continue to finalize our plan for the re-opening of school.
over 4 years ago, Scott Vance
Reminder: Online registration for returning students is open! Any students new to the district must be registered in person from 7:30AM to 3:00PM, Monday though Friday, at the District Office located in Morrison Junior High School. Please call 815-772-2064 if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Duane Shaffer
Today is the day! Online registration for returning students is now open! Any students new to the district must be registered in person from 7:30AM to 3:00PM, Monday though Friday. Please call 815-772-2064 if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Duane Shaffer
Registration Day
Thank you to everyone who filled out the Parent/Guardian Input survey. With registration beginning next week our tentative plan for reopening is listed below. The District will continue to update the plan and provide guidance as needed.
over 4 years ago, Scott Vance
Reopening Plan on a Page
Please see the attached memo concerning the planning for the opening of school this fall.
over 4 years ago, Scott Vance
Fall Opening Memo
Fall Opening Memo Page 2
As we continue to plan for the opening of school in the Fall we would appreciate your input. Therefore, please take a moment to fill out the Parent/Guardian survey linked below.
over 4 years ago, Scott Vance
MHS summer school registration closes Thurs. 7/2. Classes will run Mon-Fri beginning on 7/6 through 7/30 from 8am-12pm. All ISBE & IDPH requirements will be strictly enforced, including the use of appropriate PPE including face coverings, temp. checks & social distancing.
over 4 years ago, Cory Bielema
Morrison High School to offer Summer Driver Education Morrison High School will offer a Summer Driver Education class from Monday, July 6 – Wednesday, July 29, 2020. During the four-week course, students will complete the 30-hour classroom portion via remote learning (through Zoom and Google Classroom) as well as complete six hours of on-road driving time and six hours of observation time. The online classroom sessions will be held from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Mondays – Thursdays, and the behind-the-wheel driving sessions will be scheduled both before and after the online classroom sessions. The course is open to all students who will be 15 by Friday, July 10, regardless of whether they are enrolled at Morrison High School. All students must have passed a total of at least eight classes in the previous two semesters combined in order to be eligible to enroll in Driver Education. The fee for the course is $295, payable to Morrison Community Unit School Dist. #6. Students and parents who wish to find out more about the course, or who want to obtain a registration form, should contact Brian Bartoz, Social Studies and Driver Education Teacher, by e-mail at or by phone at (815) 772-4071 x 12106.
over 4 years ago, Brian Bartoz
Please share the attached information on the summer lunch program on behalf of the United Way.
over 4 years ago, Andy Harridge
United Way Summer Lunch Program
The 8th grade virtual promotion presentation is nearly complete. We hope to have it finished in the next day or two. It has definitely been a labor of love and we hope everyone will enjoy it. Thank you all for your patience.
over 4 years ago, Joe Robbins
Stage 1 Guideline Below you will find the rules that you must follow in order to participate in Stage 1 activities: 1. Masks do not have to be worn outside UNLESS you are unable to maintain a minimum 6' of social distancing. 2. All groups will consist of 10 people or less including coaches. Athletes will be grouped prior to their arrival by their coaches and these groups will be permanent. No athlete will be allowed to switch groups at a later time. Once groups are created they will not interact with any other grouping. 3. All athletes must remain in their car upon arrival and wait there until the coaching staff is ready for your group. We must maintain social distancing and avoid congregating in the parking lots. Upon completion of workouts, all athletes must immediately leave the premises. 4. Athletes will be met outside by the coaches to have temperatures taken and then will be escorted by the coach to the weight room or track. 5. All athletes must be symptom free in order to participate. This means if you are experiencing a fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of taste or smell, you must stay home. You will have your temperature checked prior to participating each day. 6. You must bring your own water-bottle. I would suggest putting your name on it so there is no accidental sharing. Use of locker rooms, shared coolers, and water fountains are prohibited at this time. 7. The ice room will remain locked while athletes are present. 8. The rest rooms by the Ag room will be available the rest of the school will then be considered off limits to athletes during workouts. 9. The garage door and other exterior doors should remain closed to help eliminate congregating outside the weight room. 10. Hand sanitizer will be available and the equipment should be wiped down between lifts.
over 4 years ago, Gregg Dolan
MHS athletics will be beginning to enter stage 1 of the IHSA's return to athletics. Coaches will reach out to their athletes to set up groups for lifting and conditioning. At this time there can be NO SPORT SPECIFIC drills or training. We have filled most of the coaching positions with the exception of volleyball. We continue to look for qualified candidates and will do our best to have the positions filled as soon as we can.
over 4 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Summer School 2020 Students in grades 9–12 who received a grade of Incomplete for Spring 2020, or who need to retake a course they have failed in a prior term, are encouraged to participate in the summer school program. Details on credit recovery options for Grades 9-12 are available in the Morrison High School Handbook. Spring 2020 completion An Incomplete (I) on the student's latest report card signifies that a portion of required coursework for the Spring of 2020 has not been completed within the given time period due to unforeseen, but fully justified, reasons, but there is still a possibility of earning credit. It will be the student's responsibility to bring pertinent information to the summer school instructor and to reach an agreement with their Spring 2020 assigning teacher on the means by which the remaining course requirements shall be satisfied. Students earning completion of their Spring 2020 classes will be awarded a “Pass” for the course. Students only needing to complete Spring coursework in the live presence of a certified teacher will not be charged a summer school registration fee. It is encouraged that these students still register to make known their intention of attending the summer school sessions up until the time that they complete their requirements. Credit Recovery classes Classes will be offered through our traditional summer school program (APEX) in the building, under the guidance of our summer school instructor from July 6th-July 30th. Scheduling details will be determined based upon the demand for summer school instruction and the most current COVID-19 guidelines provided by the state of Illinois during the summer school window. Summer School registration will be open from Monday, June 15th through Thursday, July 2nd. High School Summer School fee is $100 per class or $150 for two classes. Checks payable to MCUD #6 or cash. Payment in full must be received by July 2nd. Fees may be paid through the District Office located at Morrison Junior High School, 300 Academic Drive.
over 4 years ago, Cory Bielema
Students,  I have created a webpage with links to the most current information I can find for the SAT/ACT tests.  If you have any questions, please let me know!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Streets
The Music Booster's Spring Fundraiser delivery has been scheduled and confirmed for Tuesday, June 9. Items will be available for pickup in the High School Auditorium beginning at 2 pm. To allow for maximum safety during this pickup, we will be asking you to sign up for a 5-minute time slot in which to pick up your order. We will be limiting it to 4 pickups per time slot. We will also be asking that you wear a mask while in the building during the pickup. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. A few other things to help the pick up run smoothly: 1. Please bring a checkbook or enough cash to cover your order. We do not have the amount each individual owes until pickup time. Due to the delayed delivery and school no longer being in session, you will be asked to pay at the pickup and then can collect for yourself as you deliver. 2. Please do your best to practice physical distancing. Towards that end, we will have a one-way operation within the auditorium to help with that. 3. Many of these items need refrigeration. There will be no late order pickup or storage. Unfortunately, the delivery company did not get back to me until today, so I do apologize for the late notice.
over 4 years ago, Tyler Sutton