Graduation is getting close and today was Decision Day where the Senior class was encouraged to wear a shirt representing their choice of college or workplace after graduation. Congratulations everyone!
over 1 year ago, Jenna Weets
Decision Day
Morrison High School Senior Spotlight - Paul Wagenecht
over 1 year ago, William Patton
Paul Wagenecht
Morrison High School Senior Spotlight - Katherine Eggemeyer
over 1 year ago, William Patton
Katherine Eggemeyer
Morrison High School Senior Spotlight - Molly Riffle
over 1 year ago, William Patton
Molly Riffle
With no available umpires we will be moving tomorrow night's high school softball and baseball games to Friday May 12th. We will be playing Mon-Rose instead of Newman that day.
over 1 year ago, Gregg Dolan
Congratulations to the High School April MVPs: Marissa Wadsworth and Austin Boonstra. Great job!
over 1 year ago, Jenna Weets
April MVPS
Due to the temperature and winds LeWin has cancelled today's high school track meet.
over 1 year ago, Gregg Dolan
The 2022-2023 Northside and Southside Elementary School yearbook is available for purchase! Please use the web link or scan the QR code below to place your order online. Soft cover yearbooks are $14.47 and hard cover books are $20.26. Due to a change through the company, orders placed AFTER Wednesday, May 3 will be charged $5.99 for shipping. All orders placed before May 2 will be shipped to the school and distributed to students.
over 1 year ago, Dana Bennett
qr code
The MHS Boys Basketball team will be hosting a summer camp for students entering 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades next year.
over 1 year ago, Scott Vance
Boys Basketball Summer Camp Flyer
Teachers from Northside Elementary and students from Morrison High School’s FFA and Key Club spread mulch along the foundation of Northside on Wednesday, April 26 to beautify the campus. Pictured in the front row are teacher Denise Batterton, former librarian Bette Wiebenga, and Morrison HS student Shawna Simpson. Pictured in the back row are Morrison HS students Landon Cook and Zayden Boonstra, teacher Karen Mayberry, and Morrison HS student Aries Cross. Not pictured are Key Club co-sponsor Brian Bartoz and Key Club member Danielle Fulton.
almost 2 years ago, Brian Bartoz
Mulch volunteers at Northside 4/26/2023
Currently tonight's high school softball games being played at Sterling are going to be a doubleheader. If that format changes I will post another message.
almost 2 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Substance use and mental health speaker Landon Ballard visited Morrison High School on Tuesday, April 25 to share his story of addiction and recovery with students. Landon, who is affiliated with the MWAH! Performing Arts Troupe, encouraged students to choose their friends with care, work diligently to overcome obstacles, and make good decisions throughout their lives.
almost 2 years ago, Brian Bartoz
Landon Ballard presenting at Morrison High School
Students from the Morrison HS Football team, FFA, and Key Club volunteered during the Morrison Lions Club’s Recycle Day on Saturday, April 22 at the Whiteside County Fairgrounds. Approximately 190 visitors to the Fairgrounds dropped off recyclable materials, including appliances, electronics, and scrap metal, among other materials.
almost 2 years ago, Brian Bartoz
Scrap Metal Collection on April 22, 2023
The District Art Show is coming soon! The kid's have some amazing talent to showcase.
almost 2 years ago, Jamie Harmon
Art Show Coming Soon!
Today four MHS students attended Sauk's second annual Education Symposium. Students interested in careers in education spent the day listening to veterans of the profession and learning lots of things. What a great experience for these future educators!
almost 2 years ago, Jennifer Stevenson
Four MHS students attended Sauk's Education Symposium.
Congratulations to Samantha Scholl, Northside and Southside music teacher! Tonight, she was recognized as an "Unsung Hero" by Bi-County for her efforts to include students from the Life Skills classroom into her music classes and performances.
almost 2 years ago, Andy Harridge
Mrs. Temple and Ms. Scholl
Tomorrow's high school baseball games at Morrison with Milledgeville have been cancelled. The high school softball games at Fulton have also been cancelled. Tonight the high school softball team will play a Varsity only game at Newman. Newman doesn't have enough girls to field a J/V team.
almost 2 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Tonight's high school softball and baseball games at Princeton have been cancelled. Princeton had to adjust their schedule at this time there is not a make up date set.
almost 2 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Tonight's High School baseball and softball games that have been postponed will be played on May 2nd. at Morrison.
almost 2 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Students in Morrison High School’s Law Survey course recently had the opportunity to learn more about career opportunities in law during a presentation by Mr. Joseph Arias, an Assistant Attorney General with the Office of the Illinois Attorney General. Mr. Arias shared stories about his career in private practice as well as his current work on child support cases. He also explored the elements of contract law with students through an interactive, scenario-based teaching process.
almost 2 years ago, Brian Bartoz
Mr. Joseph Arias presenting to students