Some photos from Jeg's sendoff. Thank you to all who showed up to support Jeg and his family.
Best of luck to Jeg and the entire Weets family! Stay strong buddy you've got a whole district and community behind you!
In case there's any confusion, today's fifth and sixth grade boys basketball game is at Morrison. It will start at 4:30.
Tonight's 7th grade boys basketball game at PLT has been canceled. The 8th grade game will start at 5 PM.
Tomorrow night's high school girls basketball game at Polo will start at 6:00 pm with the varsity game being played first.
Morrison High School welcomed local veterans on Friday, Nov. 10 for its annual Veterans Day Recognition Assembly. The event included reflections from local veterans, including Morrison American Legion Post 328 Commander Larry Zuidema and U.S. Marine Corps veteran James Prombo. Following the assembly, students from the National Honor Society and Key Club served pulled pork sandwiches, potato salad, and cookies to veterans in the high school’s cafeteria. Morrison High School extends its thanks to all those who served our country in the armed forces!
Tuesday November 14th will be Jeg's last day at Southside before his surgery. The students and staff will be doing a surprise going away party for Jeg at 2:15. Jeg is going to be dismissed from the front of Southside at 2:40. We would love to have community members make a "tunnel" from the front of the building toward the junior high to give him a send off he won't forget. If you have questions just call us at the school at 815-772-2183. Don't forget to wear purple!
Congratulations to our MJHS October "Students of the Month!
Morrison High School’s Key Club chapter would like to thank all of the Morrison residents who participated in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) this past Halloween. Morrison’s residents donated $237.44 amid this year’s blustery Halloween weather. The donation check (rounded to $250 through surplus funds in Key Club’s account) was mailed to UNICEF on Thursday, Nov. 9. The contribution will benefit children in Zambia, a country in southern Africa. Thank you for your generosity!
It’s not too late to RSVP for the Veterans Day Recognition Assembly on Friday, Nov. 10 at Morrison HS. Please see the information below regarding the event:
Morrison High School will host a Veterans Day Recognition Assembly on Friday, November 10 from 11:45 a.m. -12:25 p.m. The assembly, which will be held in the school’s auditorium, will provide an opportunity for students and staff to recognize those who have served in the armed forces.
In addition, Morrison High School’s National Honor Society chapter will serve a light lunch to participating veterans at 12:30 p.m. as a gesture of our collective appreciation for their service.
All Morrison-area veterans are cordially invited to this recognition event. Veterans are welcome to begin checking in at either the “pool ramp” entrance in the rear parking lot or the front entrance at 643 Genesee Avenue at 11:15 a.m. We will reserve parking spaces in the rear parking lot for all veterans who RSVP for the event.
Morrison veterans, if you are able to attend this year’s luncheon and assembly, please contact Mr. Brian Bartoz, Social Studies & Driver Education Teacher, to confirm your interest in participating in the November 10 event. Please also indicate whether you would be interested in sharing the story of your service in the armed forces with smaller groups of students through classroom visits following the main assembly.
Veterans are welcome to contact Mr. Bartoz by e-mail at to RSVP for the event. Individuals can also RSVP by phone to Mr. Bartoz at (815) 772-4071, ext. 12106.
Pick up for Red Wheel Fundraiser is 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM today at Southside. Thank you!
7th grade students recently worked on a poster contest for the Morrison Lions Club. The theme was "Peace and Dreams". Students had to combine those themes without using any words, only images. Local Lions Club members judged the students work. Pictured below are the top 3 winners. Left to right- Aaron Johnson-Morrison Lions Club member, 1st Place-Isabelle Lira, 2nd Place-Riley Cooper, 3rd Place-Emmeline Rider, and Mrs. Harmon-MJHS Art Teacher. Isabelle's drawing will be entered into the state competition. Great job girls and good luck Isabelle!
A little late posting, but congratulations to our 1st Quarter "Students of the Quarter"
6th Grade- Eliana McDearmon
7th Grade - Caroline DeRycke
8th Grade - Leah Swanson
They all received $50 gift cards to Amazon for their efforts. Congratulations ladies!!
Good morning Morrison! Thanksgiving is for enjoying time with our family, eating, and being thankful for everything the year has brought us. Unfortunately however, some of our community members need our help.
We are starting our Thanksgiving food drive collections this week. Last year we were able to provide a Thanksgiving meal to 35 families in need, thanks to all the support from the community and our FFA Morrison FFA Alumni. Any donation goes directly to a community member in need.
Please share this post so we can get even more donations this year.🦃
Thanks for all the support!
Today's 7th Grade Boys Basketball game against Erie has been cancelled. The 8th grade game is still being played and will start at 5:00PM.
Southside Elementary Kindness Club has organized a food drive to provide for families in need for the holidays. The food bank is also asking for personal hygiene products such as toilet paper, paper towels, kleenex, bar soap, shampoo, conditioner, disposable razors, and deodorant.
There are still football playoff shirts ($12) along with a few sweatshirts ($25) available, sizes vary. 2023 playoff hats are also available to purchase for $20. If interested let Coach Vandermyde ( All are available while supplies last.
The MCUD Parent Advisory Committee will have it's November meeting on Monday at 6:30 at the District Office.
Halloween fun to finish the week at Southside! Shoutout to our tech department for creating the haunted maze for the kids. It was a huge hit!
Morrison High School students Dailey Damhoff and Sarah Stralow attended State Sen. Win Stoller’s Youth Advisory Council meeting at Sauk Valley Community College on Wednesday, Nov. 1. During the session, they heard from Sen. Stoller and four other speakers on state and local government. They also participated in a discussion session with peers from schools across the 37th Legislative (Senate) District about ideas for legislation to debate in a simulated committee hearing that will be held later this school year in Springfield.