We have an early out Wednesday. The bus leaves from MJHS at 2:30 for the JH wrestling meet in Erie. Please have your wrestler at the JH by 2:25 in uniform.
over 3 years ago, Tony Wright
Students in high school Multimedia class made a video to show off our winter sports, and they are already hard at work on a Spring sports video. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/x-grD4Y5MSg
over 3 years ago, MHS Broadcasting
Tomorrow afternoons track meet with Riverdale has been rescheduled for Thursday May 13th. Milledgeville will be here that date also.
over 3 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Here is the link for tonight's Board of Education meeting. Anyone wishing to speak should contact the District office prior to the meeting to be put on the list. https://morrisonschools.zoom.us/j/84087213934?pwd=Q3Z1dHA1aFBXeVR5QkpTZkJZNm9XQT09
over 3 years ago, Scott Vance
Southside Elementary school is anticipating an opening for a 3rd grade classroom teacher position for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are interested you may apply here: https://www.applitrack.com/roe47/onlineapp/JobPostings/view.asp?FromAdmin=true&AppliTrackJobId=3274
over 3 years ago, Jeremy Keesee
MHS Cheer tryouts for 2021-2022 football and basketball sideline squads will be held the last week in April. We are looking for positive attitudes and potential! Anyone interested should visit the link: http://linktr.ee/kjrod or email katie. rodriguez@morrisonschools.org
almost 4 years ago, Katelyn Rodriguez
MHS Cheerleaders leading the crowd
MHS Cheerleaders huddled together on a chilly Friday night game
MHS Cheerleaders perform their homecoming routine in 2019. Photo credit: Persona Studio
Due to the quarantining of several F/S football players, we will not be playing Monday's home F/S football game.
almost 4 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Here are a couple of links to view tonight's football game if you do not have a NFHS subscription: Aroundptown.com or Aroundptown Facebook Page
almost 4 years ago, Gregg Dolan
MJHS once again has 2% 1/2 gallons of milk with an expiration date of 4/18/21 available to anyone that could use them. Please feel free to come and get as many as you can use. The doors are typically open until around 4:30.
almost 4 years ago, Joe Robbins
I have included the link below for tomorrow night's football game in Prophetstown: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/erie-high-school-erie-il
almost 4 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Here is the link to view tonight's volleyball games at Bureau Valley: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/bureau-valley-high-school-manlius-il
almost 4 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Key Club blood drive. Our students giving back!
almost 4 years ago, Tiffany Kao
Helping our community !
Student heroes !
Donating to help save lives!
E-P has sent 70 tickets for Friday's football game at P-Town. Each player on Friday's roster will be given 2 tickets. Kickoff will be at 7:00 pm and the link for viewing the game is: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/erie-high-school-erie-il
almost 4 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Here is the info for tonight's F/S football game at Fulton: Game Day Public Information: - Gates will open at 4:30 PM - Visitor parking is along 14th street. - Visitor entry is through the gate on 14th street. - Visitors will sign their name upon entry. - Restrooms are located inside the building. - There will not be concessions inside. Fulton is not limiting the number of fans for the game. Link to view the game: Varsity -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKXP4akavixy7bOjxJQKzqA F/S -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMY6TdjQ6Uy_OJqV_havIKQ
almost 4 years ago, Gregg Dolan
Morrison Mustangs Baseball Field Day 2021. Saturday April 17 @ 9:00am. I would like to ask all baseball parents and players to come to the Sports Complex so we can work together to ready our field for the remaining practices and last two home games. If possible bring garden rakes, shovels, a ladder (12ft step would be great), and power edger's. Hopefully if enough come to help we can have it ready for practices within 3 or 4 hours. Understand the field needs more work than that if we wanted to play a full schedule , the goal is to get it to the point where it will hold up for practices and at least 2 games. After the season there will be discussion on how to get the field back to full season durability.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Robbins
Tomorrow Tuesday (4/13) will be a full day of attendance. The only early dismissal this week will be our regularly scheduled one for Wednesday. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
almost 4 years ago, Scott Vance
At this time, we are experiencing issues with some Google services. In some cases, this is preventing both posting and accessing assignments. Unfortunately, there is currently no timeline for when services will be fully restored.
almost 4 years ago, Scott Vance
The livestream of the football game tonight will start at 6:30pm on www.nfhsnetwork.com. At 6:40pm there will be coverage of senior night festivities. Join Justin Stevenson and Matt Tichler, as they will have your call!
almost 4 years ago, MHS Broadcasting
Join us in congratulating these Volleyball, Golf, Trapshooting, Band, Pons, Cheer, and Football Seniors! They will be recognized tonight at the Varsity football game and Tuesday at the Volleyball game. We are proud of all of you! Best of luck in the future! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQ0okycu49r568q6KU27kBoi6dYWDJN8TJ7zHskpnyR0nII212EfJdh5c67IVJ9SOZMkcGE_aVKDO-m/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=10000&slide=id.gcc472b02c4_0_16
almost 4 years ago, Katelyn Rodriguez
Gates will open tomorrow night for the football game at 6:15 so that the Senior parents have enough time to find a seat and line up for the Senior Night introductions. Again as a reminder only those with tickets will be allowed into the game. There will be no game day ticket sales.
almost 4 years ago, Gregg Dolan